Wonder Workers Guild Website
[Miscellaneous Information]
[Game Tips & Hints]
[Pre-Made Look Ups]
[User Look Up Codes]
[One Player Battledome Oponents]
[Guide To Neopoints]
[Battle Dome Weapons]
[Wishing Well]
[Adoptee Program]
Pet of the Month
[Contests & Prize Recieving Information]
[Joke of the Week]
[Todays Faerie Crossword Answers]
[Miscellaneous Information]

Miscellaneous Information

Active Member Requirements
Being an active member is very simple, Here are the requirements:
Artisan- 5 messages a month at least
Noble-7 messages a month at least
Knight- 11 messages a month at least
Lord- 13 messages a month at least
Royal- 16 messages a month at least
Council member- 20 messages a month at least

Guild Council Member of the Week

The guild council member is the fifth spot in the guild council. It is

changed weekly. If you want to become guild council member of the

 week, you must have written 20 messages, AT LEAST, and you

must send in a good application. This is open for all members of the

 guild. After a certain amount of time, the current four

 permanent council members will decide who was the best guild

 council member of the week, then, that person will become part of

 the permanent guild council.

Noble- At least 10 messages, or 3,000 np worth of donations
Knight- At least 30 messages, or 5,000 np worth of new donations
Lord-At least 50 messages, or 8,000 np worth of new donations, or
you refer 7 new members
Royal-At least 100 messages, or 12,000 np worth of new donations,
or you refer 11 new members
Guild Council member- At least 150 messages, or 18,000 np worth
 of new donations, AND you refer 15 new members
Guild Council memeber of the week- At least 20 messages,
and a good aplication
If you refer new members, make sure they neomail callioped27
 saying that you is refered them.


Newbie Packs- Click Here!!

Newbie packs are given to new members of the Wonder Workers

 Guild. If you are a new member, and you would like one, click the 

link. If you accept a newbie pack, you must stay in the guild for at least

 3 weeks. To get a newbie pack, bid something cheap (pile of sludge, ect.), and

 your offer will be accepted, and your item that you

 bid will be sent back to you. You only get one newbie pack. This is so 

everyone gets one.

Shop Links
