Wonder Workers Guild Website
[Contests & Prize Recieving Information]
[Game Tips & Hints]
[Pre-Made Look Ups]
[User Look Up Codes]
[One Player Battledome Oponents]
[Guide To Neopoints]
[Battle Dome Weapons]
[Wishing Well]
[Adoptee Program]
Pet of the Month
[Contests & Prize Recieving Information]
[Joke of the Week]
[Todays Faerie Crossword Answers]
[Miscellaneous Information]

Contests (and other prize recieving information)!!!!

Joke of the Week Contest
This contest is held every week, and every guild member is eligible. What you do is you think of a very funny joke, with no profanity, and neomail it to PlanetaryPrinces. Then at the end of the week, one will be selected for the joke of the week. If your joke is selected, you will be sent two faeries of your choice (Fire, earth, water, dark, air, ect.).  Then when one week is up, a new joke will be selected, and so on, and so forth.

Banner Contest

This contest will be held starting July 12th, and go on until July 24th. Only active members are eligible for this contest. To enter your banner, e-mail it to me at callioped@juno.com. Your banner must be creative, and original. Moving banners obviously get more attention. If you would like any more information about this contest, please neomail me.

Wishing Well Wish
The wishing well is open 24/7, but you may only make a wish once a month.  To be part of the wishing well, you must be an active member.   If your wish is granted, you must be able to accept neofriends; otherwise, your wish item cannot be given to you.  Even if you put your wish in the wishing well, it does not automatically mean that your wish will be granted. For more information about the wishing well, go to the wishing well page, or neomail callioped27.




Pet of The Month

Pet of the month will be held every month, starting this upcoming August. You must be an active member in the Wonder Workers Guild to have your pet be nominated for the pet of the month. All the council members will nominate one neopet for the month, so there will be 5 nominees. Council members may NOT nominate their own pets. For your neopet to be nominated, it must be at least at level 3, and must be at least above average in everything. Sick pets, as well as starving pets, will not be nominated. If your pet is nominated, then you must post on the message board, and tell why your pet is special. If your pet then becomes pet of the month, then you will receive a code for the award that you will put in your pets description. Also, you will receive 5,000 neopoints, and the honor of your pet being pet of the month. Also, there will be a link to your pets description page on the guild home. If you really want your pet nominated, then you may neomail a guild council member, and you just might be nominated. If you have any further questions, please neomail callioped27.