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User Look Up Codes                                            

If you want a code that is not listed here, email me and I'll find it for you and put it up!

Highlight the text to copy and then press Ctrl and C to copy it. Ctrl and V to paste it.


Name to Image 
I'll begin with the most sought after code, the code to change your name to an image!  Here's what you do:
1) Click
here to get to the profile modification page!
2) In the "Full Name" box, put 


3)Now in the "About Me" part, put 

Now, you MUST substitute YOURIMAGENAME.gif with the URL of
your image, and change the # in the height and width with
the actual height and width. To find the height and width,
you must paste your image into your normal Microsoft
Paint Program and press Ctrl and E at the same time. If 
you have Adobe Photoshop then you must copy the image, and
go to File and look down, and click on new, and it should
have a part where you put in the height and width, and in
that spot, it should have your exact height and width of
your image.

4) Now save it and view your lookup, if you did everything right, it should show up! Good work ^_^

Change the Search Box's Appearance
This code is used to change the appearance of the Search box to the left of your user look up. You can add a background URL to it to make it match your look up.

Faded Images
Now, heres' how to get a circular fade on your shield and the neomail/neofriend buttons :)
Put this code in your "About Me" box:

Fixed Background
Here's the code to make your background 'stay still' when you scroll down.

Fixed Background that does not repeat
This is the code you would use if you did not want your background to repeat, meaning it will stay still and only show up once, it won't wallpaper itself. Let's say you wanted to use an 800X600 desktop wallpaper for your background, you would not want it to repeat or it would look silly. So, here's the code: